Since 2003 one of my biggest responsibilities has been the website properties. Over the last 20+ years it has seen many different iterations and enhancements. I have tried to outline some of the key moments throughout the years in different areas of my portfolio. From the first website in 2003 integrating Flash within the platform to moving to a full Flex architecture in 2007 to developing a modular component based website in 2012 or a full responsive website in 2017 I have tried to keep the Behr website on the cutting egde of technology and anticipating trends within the digital space.

2012 Consumer Website
This design for Behr marked a pivotal time not only for web design in the digital space but from a career standpoint personally. By this time I was co-leading the digital department and leading the digital UX and aesthetic design reporting directly to the CEO. This design was a drastic change from our single window paginated view built in FLEX to a Modular HTML 5 website that was a complete front-end and back-end overhaul. and Pro Websites

Directed Website Photography
This new format called for wide image shots. I wanted to show large expansive and mutli room images for the new design.

Custom Illustrations
3d and 2d custom combined illustrations.

Full 3d products
The new 2012 website marked a shift in our traditional photography featuring all 3d product shots.

Module Layout
The idea with the website was to create a module style approach. Taking design queues from growing popularity in social platforms the “window” was being broken and pagination started to be phased out.

2013 Pro Website
Leveraging the work on the Consumer site, the Pro site utilized the shared much of the template layout and modules. Pro Branding was supported by a strong CSS structure. and Pro Websites

Directed Website Photography
Showing authentic job-site photography was a must for the relatively new BehrPro brand. BehrPro Reps were the backbone of the strategic Pro business.

2018 Consumer Website
Leveraging the content from the original CMS system a new aesthetic style was applied along with data driven UI/UX enhancements. The focus for this update was to establish a single code set for a responsive site. Additional segments were added and the template was extended to the Pro, Architecture and Designer websites. and Pro Websites and Pro Websites

2021 Consumer Website
This update was more of a refresh, however there were some key UI/UX enhancements like a new ecommerce path for the consumer. A contextual color detail page that extends from the right side of the website that keeps you engaged with the current browsing location. A new ColorSmart layout, extended sizes and refreshed images for previewing color as well as color visualization integration throughout the digital property. and Pro Websites and Pro Websites